It’s dark outside when you wake up, the days are getting shorter and shorter, it’s cold outside, Covid isn’t going away, it’s not surprising so many of us are feeling blue.
Now is the time to awaken the senses and beat the Winter blues:
Wrap up warm, step outside and let nature work its magic. Going for a walk on a chilly icy day might not seem appealing but going for a brisk walk in the cold fresh air will release positive endorphins in the brain, will boost your mood, eliminate that brain fog and give you clarity. Nothing looks more beautiful than a bright blue sky on a crisp Winters Day when the sun is bright, so do your best to step out and soak up that much needed vitamin D.
Now is the time to eat your Winter vegetables, why not make a spicy soup to warm you up and nourish your soul? Get your antioxidants from lots of fresh fruit, if that’s not possible stock up on your supplements, with party season just around the corner your immune system needs to be prepared to fight the late nights and toxins that coincide with those Christmas dos.
Don’t underestimate the power of a long hot bath, with healing salts and oils to help you relax and unwind during these cold nights, give yourself a pampering evening at least once a week, you deserve it. Your scented candles and essential oils will do wonders for senses. Remember candles can be lit throughout the day, with so many of us working from home, make your office environment as appealing and calming as possible with diffusers and candles in spicy notes.
Meditation, drinking enough water, eating well and exercising will all do wonders for your mood. On the Cleopatra Effect Course, you will learn the benefits and the science to your physical and emotional wellbeing. If, however your low mood is because of something more than the Winter season, maybe now is the time to think deeper about why you’re feeling blue and get ready to make some real changes in 2022 to keep the blues away.
Nisha x